How can proof points help you validate key assumptions?

Proof points help analysts to convert signals into manifestations, indicating trends or significant changes in the spotting area. The proof points are instrumental in verifying or challenging key assumptions or scenarios, enabling analysts to identify patterns, trends, and draw meaningful inferences, facilitating valuable comparisons and benchmarks.

In traditional analysis, analysts often begin by gathering relevant signals that challenge or verify market assumptions. They then analyze these signals to formulate a formal conclusion based on the information found.

However, proof points offer an efficient way to extract valuable insights from signals. It allows analysts to take notes during the collection of articles, supporting analysts in their analysis. Later, a conclusion is automatically generated based on the selected proof points, helping analysts to make confident recommendations and enhancing the quality and speed of the decision-making process.

Create a proof point

Proof points can be created on any type of signal. To create a proof point, follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to the full page of a verified data point (make sure it's verified).

  2. Click the Stamp icon on the right to open the Proof points side panel.

  3. Enter the proof point for future reference. If it's an article, use the 'Highlight' tool to mark important text, and it will be saved along with the note.

  4. Click submit to create the proof point.

Edit a proof point

To edit a previously created proof point, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the proof point on the verified data point. The easiest way to navigate to the proof point is by selecting the "Proof point" option in the navigation and clicking on the desired proof point card.

  2. Click the Stamp icon on the right to open the Proof points side panel.

  3. Select the More options button.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Modify the proof point as needed.

  6. Click Save.

Delete a proof point

To remove a previously created proof point, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the proof point on the verified data point.

  2. Click the Stamp icon on the right to open the Proof points side panel.

  3. Select the More options button.

  4. Click Remove.