The Market intelligence glossary
The key terminology and concepts of Market intelligence.
Actor refers to any individual, organization, or entity that plays a role or participates in a business ecosystem. These actors can be both internal and external to the organization, and they interact with each other within the ecosystem to create value, exchange resources, and contribute to the overall functioning of the ecosystem.
Blind spots: Identify areas within a spotting area where crucial information, risks, or opportunities may be overlooked or underestimated, in order to enhance awareness, mitigate potential threats, and uncover untapped potential.
Dystopia refers to a bleak and often terrifying world that is characterized by extreme oppression, suffering, or an overall negative and undesirable condition. In a dystopia, the social, political, or environmental conditions have deteriorated.
Early signals are subtle indications or emerging trends that may signify significant shifts or changes in the market landscape. Recognizing and interpreting early signals allows organizations to stay ahead of the curve, anticipate market trends, and capitalize on emerging opportunities or mitigate potential risks before they fully materialize.
Ecosystem health Assess the overall condition and interdependencies of the various entities, actors, and elements within a market, including suppliers, customers, partners, competitors, and regulatory bodies, to gauge the resilience, sustainability, and overall vitality of the ecosystem.
Enterprise portal refers to a centralized digital platform that grants employees and stakeholders access to diverse spotting areas, serving as a gateway to document and discover market research. Its purpose is to streamline market watch efforts, enabling faster and more efficient insights.
Interesting actor refers to an actor who is suggested for the spotting area because they match a certain criteria, based on the defined scope of the spotting area. These verified actors can be verified or denied, which helps Minerva better understand the accuracy of the suggestion made and adapt accordingly.
Key stakeholder reflect the most relevant segments of organisations within the Spotting Area, based on their roles, interests, influence, and impact on the business dynamics.
Manifestation is an observed signal that verifies or supports a key assumption. Manifestations are stronger and more certain than signals, they provide evidence that a change is becoming likely to occur.
Market Maturity: Evaluate the stage of development or maturity level of a specific market, considering factors such as product lifecycle, market saturation, adoption rates, and competitive intensity, to understand the current state of the market,
Negative scenario: a negative scenario refers to significant challenges, such as economic hardship, conflict, or social unrest. It describes a scenario where things do not progress or develop in a favorable or positive manner.
Neutral scenario refers to a situation, event, or circumstance that lacks a clear positive or negative connotation. It describes a scenario where the outcomes, consequences, or circumstances are largely the same as the present.
News group serve as organizational containers for grouping and structuring news outlets. They help users manage and categorize their data, making it easier to gather and access specific information.
Positive scenario refers to a situation, event, or circumstance that is characterized by favorable, beneficial, or desirable outcomes, consequences, or circumstances. It describes a scenario where things progress or develop in a favorable or constructive manner for everyone.
Proof point refer to tangible evidence or data points that validate or support the effectiveness, relevance, or impact of key assumptions. These proof points serve as indicators of progress, success, or areas needing improvement
Research template is a structured framework or outline that serves as a starting point for conducting research on a specific topic or area of study. It provides a standardized format or organization for gathering, analyzing, and presenting research information.
Segment refers to a distinct subgroup or portion of a larger market or value chain that shares common activities, technologies or value propositions. Segmenting involves dividing the overall market into smaller, more homogeneous groups to better understand the market.
Signal is a piece of information that suggests a potential change. Signals are often weak and uncertain, but they can provide important clues for anticipating potential developments and trends. In Minerva, these can have the form of a news articles, actor, actor change or actor relationships.
Snapshots provides a brief but comprehensive overview of key market dynamics, trends, and performance indicators at a specific point in time. Snapshots are intermediate reports that summarize all relevant findings, underpinned with content and early signals.
Stakeholder mapping is the process of identifying, categorizing, and analyzing key stakeholders with vested interests in the spotting area to understand their influence, relationships, and potential impact.
Spotting areas are created to establish clear research boundaries, enabling focused analysis of strategically important areas within a market or industry that are affected by uncertainties in the business model.
Spotting area analysis is the process of conducting comprehensive market research on a Spotting area. This analysis aims to gain valuable insights into the distinct dynamics, trends, opportunities, and challenges of a targeted area. The findings from this analysis enable informed decision-making, strategy development, and efficient allocation of resources within the identified spotting area.
Utopia refers to a fictional or speculative portrayal of an ideal, perfect, or highly desirable world. It describes a scenario where the social, political, economic, and environmental conditions are depicted as optimal, harmonious, and without any significant problems or flaws.
Vertical are a construct used to focus the Minerva market research efforts on distinct business domains, making it easier for analysts and colleagues to find relevant information.