Best practices to create snapshots
Effectively communicate research findings, engage stakeholders, and support informed decision-making within your organization.
Clear and Concise: Keep the snapshot to the point, focusing on conveying key findings and insights in a clear and understandable manner.
Be Objective and Neutral: Present findings objectively and neutrally, avoiding bias or subjective interpretations that may cloud the reader's understanding or judgment
Avoid Jargon and Technical Language: Use clear and straightforward language that is accessible to a diverse audience, avoiding jargon or technical terminology.
Invite Feedback and Discussion: Encourage stakeholders to provide feedback, ask questions, or engage in discussion about the research findings, fostering a collaborative and participatory approach.
Provide Context: Provide context for the findings presented in the snapshot by briefly referring to the key assumption.
Provide Evidence: Provide supporting evidence or data, refer to proof points and related sources. Provide challenging evidence or data, refer to proof points and related sources.
Conclude with Key Findings: Clearly highlight the most important findings and insights from the research, including significant trends or patterns. Emphasize actionable insights and recommendations , highlighting potential implications for decision-making. Clearly outline next steps resulting from the research findings, indicating follow up on the information provided.